Dr. Alexander Kahn co-authors book- now available in print

May 17, 2023
Caring for the Whole Musician: Awareness and Mindfulness book cover

Dr. Alexander Kahn, Director of Orchestral Studies, co-authored a book, Caring for the Whole Musician: Awareness and Mindfulness, with Larry Lee Hensel.

The book is now out in print from Routledge.

Check out this quote below by Mark Rabideau from The College Music Society.


"Routledge's Emerging Fields in Music Series supports authors busy reimagining the field of music. Our newest book in the series is something remarkable.
In Caring for the Whole Musician, authors Larry Lee Hensel and Alexander Kahn, remind us that the art we make is only possible when we take a journey of mind, body, and heart.
The first section, Awareness provides insights into how our bodies are constructed (Body Mapping) and how the use of our bodies (as our instruments) affects function. The author invites us to discover our adverse habits that interfere with natural movement, and nurtures the idea that awareness can be the path toward greater personal and professional fulfillment.
The second section, Mindfulness explores how meditative practice can be incorporated into every stage of concert preparation and embedded within the daily life of the musician.
Together, this book offers tools, practices, and mindsets to address key challenges facing musicians throughout their journey and provides a more holistic perspective on how we might care for our “whole being—body, mind, and heart—one after the other, at the same time.”
I love this book. And feel so lucky to have supported the work of these two dear friends and colleagues."