Will Johnson
Emeritus Faculty, Composition

Green Music Center 2066Instruments: Composition
I am available to work informally with individual students or small groups in composition, music theory, improvisation, musical analysis and on independent study projects. I am on campus one day each week; check my office door for my current schedule. If I can be helpful to you, please email me.
Born in 1942 and raised in Marietta Georgia, I received a BA in Musical from Princeton University (1964) and an MA in Musical Composition from UC Berkeley (1966). From 1969 until 2010 I taught at SSU, mostly music but also beginning computer programming and pre-college math in the 1980’s; in the 1990’s I taught ear training and (informally) composition and musical analysis at SRJC. My music making has centered around the campus and the community. I have written music for SSU students and for campus dance and drama productions and have served as accompanist for school and community choruses and for several Petaluma churches. My current musical interests are composition, musical analysis, improvisation, music theory, the use of technology in the production of music and the potential for music-making as a model for social interaction.