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Workshop Attire & Concert Dress

Workshop Attire

June days in Rohnert Park are quite variable and can be hot and sunny or chilly and foggy.  Average temperatures range from a high of 82 F to a low of 51 F.  In June, rain is unlikely. 

Dress in Sonoma County is casual. Comfortable clothes and shoes are recommended. Think ‘layers,’ and bring a sweater and long pants so you’re ready for either hot or fairly cool weather conditions and for air conditioning in rehearsal areas.

Concert Dress

You are expected to provide and wear appropriate and conservative concert attire.
Long black skirt or pants, solid bright color blouse or shirt with long-sleeves (¾ or longer), black shoes and socks. Dressy sandals are fine (please, no tee shirts, strappy tops, flip flops)

Be sure to bring a black three-ring binder for your music.