Voice Faculty Recital: Oh, The Places We've Been!

Schroeder Hall
7:30 pm
Admission Fees:
$12 Admission, Free Parking, SSU Students FREE, $5 Visiting Student Tickets
Box Office
The Voice Faculty come together in concert for the first time in several years! In the first half they share art songs exploring different countries and different places, from Ireland and Wales to Germany and India--even a graveyard and the starlit sky! But the second half of the program explores the variety of emotions and experiences (some funny, some not) our relationships take us through, whether journeying toward or away from love. Jane Erwin, Mark Kratz, Lee Steward, and Krista Wigle will display their vocal talents in many styles--including Celtic song, German Lieder, jazz standards, musical theater, and opera--and will be joined by staff pianists Dan Cromeenes and Yvonne Wormer.