Brass Ensemble Spring Concert: Hymn to the Sun

Schroeder Hall
2:00 pm
Admission Fees:
$12 Admission, Free Parking, SSU Students FREE
Box Office
Brass Ensemble Digital Program
Prelude: Night (1913); R. Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943)
arr. Dan Gianola-Norris
Angels (1921/1940); Carl Ruggles (1876-1971)
Brian Wilson, Conductor Emeritus
Morgenmusik [Morning Music] (1932); Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)
I. Moderately
II. Slowly
III. Animated
Musica Solaris [Music of the Sun] (2001); Lauren Bernofsky (b. 1967)
Antiphon (1994); John Corigliano (b. 1938)
Canzon Septimi Toni a 8 (1597); Giovanni Gabrieli (ca. 1554-1612)
ed. Robert King
Unto the Rainbow (2016); Cheryl Frances-Hoad (b. 1980)
Dan Gianola-Norris, Flugelhorn & Hikaru Hallberg, Piano
Contrapunctus III (from “Art of the Fugue” BWV1080); Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
ed. Robert King
Hymn au Soleil [Hymn to the Sun] (1912); Lili Boulanger (1893-1918)
arr. Dan Gianola-Norris