Jonathan Dimmock

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Instruments: Organ
Organist, Jonathan Dimmock ( is well-known internationally as a recitalist, choral conductor, accompanist, continuo player, ensemble musician and church organist. A graduate of Oberlin Conservatory and Yale University, he has held musical posts at Westminster Abbey (London), and three American cathedrals: St. John the Divine (New York), St. Mark’s (Minneapolis), and Grace (San Francisco). He is currently the organist for the San Francisco Symphony, and Organist & Choir Director at St. Ignatius Church and Congregation Sherith Israel (both in San Francisco). A Grammy Award winner for his work with the San Francisco Symphony, he has recorded more than 35 CDs and toured widely on five continents. He has been interviewed and featured on numerous radio and television stations including National Public Radio, Radio France, BBC3, ABC (Australia), MTV2 (Budapest), BCC (Barbados), and SABC (South Africa). His teachers and mentors include Gillian Weir, Simon Preston, Jean Langlais, Peter Hallock, Haskell Thomson, William Porter, Thomas Murray, Harald Vogel, J. Franklin Clark, Paul Halley, Naji Hakim, and Frédéric Blanc. He is co-founder of the highly acclaimed American Bach Soloists, founding director of Artists’ Vocal Ensemble (AVE), and founding President of Resonance, using music in international conflict resolution. He is deeply committed to healing our broken world through the beauty of music, and talks eagerly on the subjects of spirituality, psychology, aesthetics, and the Arts.