Rotation By Semester
- MUS 101 - Introduction to Music
- MUS 110 - Theory I: Diatonicism
- MUS 115 - Vocal Methods
- MUS 120 - Musicianship I
- MUS 129 - Percussion Methods
- MUS 133 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 134 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 137 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 138 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 139 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 141 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 143 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 147 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 151 - Repertory Class
- MUS 160B - Humanities Learning Community
- MUS 209 - Intensive Keyboard Lab II
- MUS 227 - Concert Band
- MUS 259 - Music Technology: Tools and Applications
- MUS 273 - Music and Society: Critical Readings and Reception
- MUS 289 - Jazz Improvisation II
- MUS 300 - Seminar
- MUS 309B - Keyboard Proficiency Lab
- MUS 310 - Theory III: Form and Analysis
- MUS 312 - Jazz Harmony and Arranging II
- MUS 316 - Diction - French and German
- MUS 320 - Musicianship III
- MUS 323 - Concert Choir
- MUS 325 - Symphonic Chorus
- MUS 326 - Guitar Ensemble
- MUS 327 - Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- MUS 328 - Symphony Orchestra MUS 329 - Chamber Music Ensembles
- MUS 330 - Musical Theatre Production
- MUS 340 - Opera and Musical Theatre Scenes
- MUS 350 - Survey of World Music
- MUS 351 - History of Western Music, 1750-present (WIC) MUS 359 - Audio and Recording Production II MUS 377 - Brass Ensemble
- MUS 379 - Latin Jazz Band MUS 390 - Jazz Orchestra
- MUS 391 - Concert Jazz Ensemble
- MUS 392 - Jazz Piano II MUS 400 - Music for the Classroom MUS 402 - Choral Conducting
- MUS 403 - Instrumental Conducting and Methods
- MUS 422 - Strings Methods II (Cello/Bass)
- MUS 423 - Woodwinds Methods II (Flute/Double Reeds)
- MUS 425 - Composition Seminar
- MUS 426 - Jazz Forum MUS 429 - Percussion Methods MUS 433 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 434 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 437 - Private Instruction-Brass MUS 438 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 439 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 441 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 443 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 445 - Private Instruction-Composition
- MUS 447 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 448 - Choral and Vocal Accompanying
- MUS 451 - Repertory Class
- MUS 481 - Special Topics Workshop
- MUS 489 - Jazz Improvisation IV
- MUS 101 - Introduction to Music
- MUS 105 - Music Theory for Non-Majors
- MUS 106 - Fundamentals of Music Theory
- MUS 109 - Intensive Keyboard Lab I
- MUS 115 - Vocal Methods
- MUS 118 - Guitar Methods
- MUS 124 - Brass Methods I (Trumpet/Trombone)
- MUS 133 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 134 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 137 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 138 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 139 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 141 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 143 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 147 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 150 - Survey of U.S. Music
- MUS 151 - Repertory Class
- MUS 159 - Audio and Recording Production I
- MUS 160A - Humanities Learning Community
- MUS 189 - Jazz Improvisation I
- MUS 201 - Music in Action
- MUS 210 - Theory II: Chromaticism
- MUS 212 - Jazz Harmony and Arranging I
- MUS 220 - Musicianship II
- MUS 227 - Concert Band
- MUS 251 - History of Western Music, Ancient World to 1750
- MUS 273 - Music and Society: Critical Readings and Reception
- MUS 292 - Jazz Piano I
- MUS 309A - Keyboard Proficiency Lab
- MUS 314 - Orchestration
- MUS 315 - Diction - English/Italian
- MUS 323 - Concert Choir
- MUS 325 - Symphonic Chorus
- MUS 326 - Guitar Ensemble
- MUS 327 - Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- MUS 328 - Symphony Orchestra
- MUS 329 - Chamber Music Ensembles
- MUS 330 - Musical Theatre Production
- MUS 340 - Opera and Musical Theatre Scenes
- MUS 343 - Studies in Musical Genres
- MUS 350 - Survey of World Music
- MUS 377 - Brass Ensemble
- MUS 379 - Latin Jazz Band
- MUS 389 - Jazz Improvisation III
- MUS 390 - Jazz Orchestra
- MUS 391 - Concert Jazz Ensemble
- MUS 401 - Conducting Technique
- MUS 404 - Choral Methods and Repertoire
- MUS 405 - Instrumental Methods and Repertoire
- MUS 410 - Theory IV: 20th Century Techniques
- MUS 412 - Jazz Composition
- MUS 415 - Vocal Methods
- MUS 418 - Guitar Methods
- MUS 420 - Musicianship IV
- MUS 426 - Jazz Forum
- MUS 433 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 434 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 437 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 438 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 439 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 441 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 443 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 445 - Private Instruction-Composition\
- MUS 447 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 451 - Repertory Class
- MUS 481 - Special Topics Workshop
- MUS 101 - Introduction to Music
- MUS 110 - Theory I: Diatonicism
- MUS 115 - Vocal Methods
- MUS 120 - Musicianship I
- MUS 129 - Percussion Methods
- MUS 133 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 134 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 137 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 138 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 139 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 141 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 143 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 147 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 151 - Repertory Class
- MUS 160B - Humanities Learning Community
- MUS 209 - Intensive Keyboard Lab II
- MUS 227 - Concert Band
- MUS 259 - Music Technology: Tools and Applications
- MUS 273 - Music and Society: Critical Readings and Reception
- MUS 289 - Jazz Improvisation II
- MUS 300 - Seminar
- MUS 309B - Keyboard Proficiency Lab
- MUS 310 - Theory III: Form and Analysis
- MUS 312 - Jazz Harmony and Arranging II
- MUS 316 - Diction - French and German
- MUS 320 - Musicianship III
- MUS 323 - Concert Choir
- MUS 325 - Symphonic Chorus
- MUS 326 - Guitar Ensemble
- MUS 327 - Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- MUS 328 - Symphony Orchestra
- MUS 329 - Chamber Music Ensembles
- MUS 330 - Musical Theatre Production
- MUS 340 - Opera and Musical Theatre Scenes
- MUS 350 - Survey of World Music
- MUS 351 - History of Western Music, 1750-present (WIC)
- MUS 359 - Audio and Recording Production II
- MUS 377 - Brass Ensemble
- MUS 379 - Latin Jazz Band
- MUS 390 - Jazz Orchestra
- MUS 391 - Concert Jazz Ensemble
- MUS 392 - Jazz Piano II
- MUS 400 - Music for the Classroom
- MUS 402 - Choral Conducting
- MUS 403 - Instrumental Conducting and Methods
- MUS 424 - Brass Methods II (Horn/Tuba)
- MUS 425 - Composition Seminar
- MUS 426 - Jazz Forum
- MUS 429 - Percussion Methods
- MUS 433 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 434 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 437 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 438 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 439 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 441 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 443 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 445 - Private Instruction-Composition
- MUS 447 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 448 - Choral and Vocal Accompanying
- MUS 451 - Repertory Class
- MUS 481 - Special Topics Workshop
- MUS 489 - Jazz Improvisation IV
- MUS 101 - Introduction to Music
- MUS 105 - Music Theory for Non-Majors
- MUS 106 - Fundamentals of Music Theory
- MUS 109 - Intensive Keyboard Lab I
- MUS 115 - Vocal Methods
- MUS 118 - Guitar Methods
- MUS 122 - Strings Methods I (Violin/Viola)
- MUS 123 - Woodwinds Methods I (Clarinet/Saxophone)
- MUS 133 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 134 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 137 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 138 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 139 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 141 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 143 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 147 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 150 - Survey of U.S. Music
- MUS 151 - Repertory Class
- MUS 159 - Audio and Recording Production I
- MUS 160A - Humanities Learning Community
- MUS 189 - Jazz Improvisation I
- MUS 201 - Music in Action
- MUS 210 - Theory II: Chromaticism
- MUS 212 - Jazz Harmony and Arranging I
- MUS 220 - Musicianship II
- MUS 227 - Concert Band
- MUS 251 - History of Western Music, Ancient World to 1750
- MUS 273 - Music and Society: Critical Readings and Reception
- MUS 292 - Jazz Piano I
- MUS 309A - Keyboard Proficiency Lab
- MUS 314 - Orchestration
- MUS 315 - Diction - English/Italian
- MUS 323 - Concert Choir
- MUS 325 - Symphonic Chorus
- MUS 326 - Guitar Ensemble
- MUS 327 - Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- MUS 328 - Symphony Orchestra
- MUS 329 - Chamber Music Ensembles
- MUS 330 - Musical Theatre Production
- MUS 340 - Opera and Musical Theatre Scenes
- MUS 343 - Studies in Musical Genres
- MUS 350 - Survey of World Music
- MUS 377 - Brass Ensemble
- MUS 379 - Latin Jazz Band
- MUS 389 - Jazz Improvisation III
- MUS 390 - Jazz Orchestra
- MUS 391 - Concert Jazz Ensemble
- MUS 401 - Conducting Technique
- MUS 404 - Choral Methods and Repertoire
- MUS 405 - Instrumental Methods and Repertoire
- MUS 410 - Theory IV: 20th Century Techniques
- MUS 412 - Jazz Composition
- MUS 415 - Vocal Methods
- MUS 418 - Guitar Methods
- MUS 420 - Musicianship IV
- MUS 426 - Jazz Forum
- MUS 433 - Private Instruction-Strings
- MUS 434 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds
- MUS 437 - Private Instruction-Brass
- MUS 438 - Private Instruction-Percussion
- MUS 439 - Private Instruction-Keyboard
- MUS 441 - Private Instruction-Voice
- MUS 443 - Private Instruction-Guitar
- MUS 445 - Private Instruction-Composition
- MUS 447 - Applied Music Studies
- MUS 451 - Repertory Class
- MUS 481 - Special Topics Workshop