Music Education Concentration, Instrumental Jazz Track
Advising Checklist - Bachelor of Music, Music Education Concentration (PDF)
The Bachelor of Music, Music Education Concentration Jazz Track provides specialized training in jazz pedagogy and performance, instrumental music (band and orchestra), and also teaches basic skills necessary for teaching many types of music in grades K-12. Students in the program gain in-depth experiences in jazz improvisation, jazz arranging, and basic jazz piano harmonization. In addition, students learn basic instrumental techniques in woodwinds, brass, strings, guitar, and general music.

In addition to the basic applied skills courses required of all students in music education, courses specific to the Instrumental Jazz Track include:
- Jazz Improvisation II
- Jazz Improvisation III
- Jazz Harmony and Arranging I (in lieu of Theory III)
- Jazz Harmony and Arranging II (in lieu of Theory IV)
- Instrumental Conducting
- Instrumental Methods and Repertoire
To earn a single-subject teaching credential in the state of California, the candidate must a) hold a bachelor’s degree; b) demonstrate subject matter competence (either through completion of an Approved Subject Matter Program or by passing the CSET exam); c) complete a single subject credential/licensure program.
The SSU Bachelor of Music in Music Education is designated as an Approved Subject Matter Program by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Completion of the BM in Music Education (Pre-Certification) program prepares the student for entrance into the Single Subject Credential Program. The Single Subject Credential Program is a one-year licensure program offered by the College of Education, Counseling, and Ethnic Studies.
Prerequisite courses for the Single Subject Credential Programs:

- EDUC 417 School and Society
- EDSS 418 Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
For more information on the California Teacher Credential Program visit SSU's College of Education, Counseling, and Ethnic Studies Single Subject Credential website.